Exercise for weight loss for women in the home.

What to do if you need to lose weight, and access to the fitness club, there is no possibility? A good result is achievable in a domestic environment. It should be a day to perform fat burning exercises for the whole body and stick to a reasonable diet for weight loss.


Effective exercise for weight loss

For weight loss it is necessary to change the sedentary lifestyle, slow metabolism, maximally active. Morning should start with charging and for domestic training, set aside half an hour a night time. During the day take every opportunity to physical load. For weight loss helpful to replace the trip to the elevator by walking up the stairs, and before going to bed to implement short-term pedestrian walk. Exercises for the entire muscular corset will ensure the tone of your body, and for aesthetic weight loss and maintain health it is important to adhere to the simple recommendations:

  • Remove from the diet of pastries and bread from the higher varieties of flour.
  • Cook food steamed helena cook.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
  • At night and eat your last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • To drink clean water.

Exercises for the whole body – for weight loss and maintaining forms is a necessary condition. When drawing up the programme of home exercises it is necessary to consider the effective working of the problem area and health status. Experienced fitness instructors recommend the use of active exercises to strengthen the muscles and weight loss.



"Sail ahead," one of the most effective movements for strengthening and slimming the back. For the exercise of the muscles, straightening the spine, it is necessary to regularly get up on the "Catwalk". Information and breeding the blades improve blood circulation in the trapezoidal and diamond muscles, but also reduce the fat layer following the collar area. Exercise "Planck with the idea of dumbbells" vigorously burns fat because of the work of the broadest muscles of the back, and "Ship" an excellent cope with cellulite on the lower back.


"Dumbbell dumbbells lying down" forces you to work both types of fibers, so it is possible to weight loss without losing muscle mass. Exercises-Push-ups from the wall" women are capable of performing a large number of repetitions, and thereby ensure the necessary intensity for weight loss. The systematic execution of the exercise "Dry bras" support the muscles in good shape, and the static load in Compression "palm" adds the breast elasticity. Adherence to the diet — the defining factor weight loss, breast cancer, and physical activity helps to maintain a beautiful shape.


For weight loss foot, but also to exercise the muscles of your entire body to use different variants of exercises "the Squat". Side lunges perfectly load on the foot from the outside. Exercise "Scissors", helena clenched the ball of the knee causes a resulting muscles intensively to burn fat on the inner side of the thigh. The regular conduct of the exercise "Bike" form a symmetrical area of the knee and carefully prepares the joints. Increase on socks, helena standing, will reduce the swelling and give the shank relief.



Selegiline a stable stool with an elevation-knee up — effective exercises for weight loss legs. "Short forays" intentionally load on the thighs, attach them is bumpy. When it is necessary to special attention to the inner side, in the complex of exercises is necessary to add the "Plié-squats". For burning fat on the outer thighs need to exercise mahi leg to each other in a standing position.


Exercise "Stanovaya craving" is useful for the muscles of practically the whole of your body and increases the tone of the muscles of the gluteal. For intensive weight loss buttocks, it is necessary to perform a "Surface of the leg back" and wide lunges. "Hyperextension" — a good alternative to the deadlift traction, exercise loads the knees and quads. "Gluteal bridge" to effectively care the volume of muscles, but also reduces the fat layer on the bottom of the back and buttocks. Exercise "Walking on the buttocks" strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, and brooded over the biceps of the thigh.


"Reverse push-up" with a support on a chair helena the edge of the couch, a great load of guests triceps, and remove fat from the armpit. Various options for flexion of the hands to constrict and strengthen the anterior group of muscles of the shoulder. Exercise "Scissors" and "the Rotation of the crescent moon" evenly burn the fat from the surface of the hands. "Bench the barbell up" gets in the job the triceps, trapezius and deltoid muscles, creating a beautiful shape of the shoulder girdle.


The usual "Twisting" is a great elaboration on top of the press and the exercise "Reverse twisting" reduces the subcutaneous fat layer and strengthens the muscles of the lower part of the abdomen. "Lateral and oblique twist" emphasize the waist, and exercise "Sails on the side of" get rid of the layer of fat on the sides. "The circular rotation of the legs" comprehensively acts on the muscles of the press. If you want to pull the bulging belly is the need to systematically do the exercise "Vacuum".

warming up the neck


For a slim and attractive waist you need to do the "Twists and turns of the torso to the side" helena "Mill", which makes the oblique abdominal muscles intensely to fall. Exercise "Twisting the legs lie on the floor", actively burns fat on the problem areas, and strengthens the press. "Side bridge" and "Lifting the legs while lying on the side of the" excellent to tone the side muscles and reduce the range of the waist.


For the correct execution of the exercises it is necessary to put feet shoulder-width apart, placing it in flush with the knees. Back keep straight ahead, with the deflection in the lower part of the back, the arms fall down along your body. Align the blades, take the pan back, and on the inhale sit down. The hips start to draw parallels to the floor and the weight of your body is necessary to transfer to the heel. Climb up, exhale at the top of the stroke. By performing squats, it is necessary to follow the main points:

  • In the lower position of the knee is not forward for the legs.
  • You cannot get to the socks.
  • It is prohibited to rounding the top of the back and lower part of the back.
  • While the rise cannot be taken into account by the knees.


At the beginning of the exercise, put your feet on the width of the pelvis, after which take a step forward and smoothly duck. To transfer the load on the front leg, the second pull and lean on the socks. Back smooth, with a natural sag in the lower part of the back, palms are placed on the belt. The knee joint of the working leg bent at an angle of 90° and is experiencing an increased load, therefore it is important to disable the tabs of the knee in sock feet. Exhale, rise up, and put the work step to the side of the road.


The starting position for push-ups — the emphasis lying on the direct hands, with access to the breadth of the shoulders. The distance between the feet does not affect the execution of push-ups. The body to maintain an even, straining buttocks and the muscles of the press. Bending your arms, deeply inhaled, and to touch the breast sex. Smooth exhale throughout lifting your body. When performing exercises it is important to:

exercise the neck muscles
  • Follow the work of the palm at mid-chest level.
  • Do not let the trough in the lower part of the back.
  • To avoid a strong dilution of the elbows and sagging thighs.


For addition, to prevent various injuries, before making the jumps need to warm-up the ankles and knee joints. In the original position put your feet together, your hands fall down along your body. Shoulders skip, lis tribe, back to keep straight and a little hard. The explosive force of the muscles of the thighs and calves to push the body upward, pulling your legs. Land on the socks, slightly spring the knees.

Lifting legs

For the performance it is necessary to lie on his back and tightly squeeze the lower part of the back, hands along your body. The efforts of the muscles of the press tear off the hips from the floor and the exhale, lift up to an angle of 60°. Hold my legs up for 2 sec., and on the inhale lower, without touching the heels of the sex. In order to reduce the load, not to exceed the your head from the floor. Beginners and women who have weak abdominals, you should start with alternate strokes of the feet.


Important: the exercise is carried out only on hard surfaces. Lie on your back, bend your hips and stretch your arms along the torso. Palms place under the buttocks, legs put on the ground. The breath, lift the lower leg and pull the socks. Muscle power of the press to hold the feet above the floor at an angle of 30°-90°. First dilute legs to the side, after which and the cross.



Lie on your back, fingers concatenate to the castle behind your head, and dilute elbows to the side. The novice is allowed to cross my arms on my chest. Bend your hips and put a stalk on a piece of furniture. Exhaling, twist the body and pull the shoulders to the pelvis. It should be a day to perform fat burning exercises for the whole body and stick to a reasonable diet for weight loss. In the final position of the spin-rounded, and the abs is heavily reduced. Not to be taken into account elbows and strain your neck and press your chin to your chest. On the inhale to return the body to a horizontal position.


After the load is necessary to normalize the heart rate, reduce heart rate, and relieve tension of the nervous system. Properly executed hitch contributes to the rapid recovery after the load and return the scaled-down muscle into its original state. Stretching improves the elasticity of ligaments and muscles, improve the blood circulation in the body, and contribute to the removal of toxins from your body.

For the effective hitch should carry out simple movements and exercises:

  • "Dizziness";
  • Affectionate elbow to the shoulder;
  • Pull the elbows behind the back;
  • Slopes lying helena with the support;
  • Shuffling his hands behind his back;
  • Stretch marks are those in the front opening;
  • Exercise "Crescent" and "Cobra";
  • Pull the leg back.

"The exercise Program"



At the beginning of the week should be a military exercise to strengthen the muscles, because the body after the weekend well restored. Before training it is necessary to perform a 15 min active warm-up your whole body and prepare muscles and ligaments for the upcoming load. All exercises perform 15 repetitions in 3 approaches. Basic training includes exercises for all muscle groups:

  • "Deep squats";
  • "Broad attacks" — set the number of repetitions performed of each leg;
  • "Planck with the idea of dumbbells" — it is necessary to do each hand for 15 reps;
  • "Push-ups";
  • "Bench the barbell up";
  • "The bending of hands with dumbbells";
  • "Twisting";
  • "Lifting the foot".

For aerobic load, well suited for jumping rope, should be performed 3 times after 60 sec. As a hitch – 10 min of stretching all the muscles.


Day circuit training, all exercises performed alternately on the 15 reps. The training is needed to do 3 laps. To prepare the heart for the upcoming load, in practice it is necessary to include running in place. Exercise basic complexes:

  • "Plié-squats";
  • "Push-ups";
  • "Gluteal bridge";
  • "Superman";
  • "Scissors";
  • Jumping on the spot – 30 times.

In the coupling device it is necessary to add breathing exercises to your heart rate to a normal state.


Day strength and aerobic load. Basic training includes 3 sets of exercises, each need to perform 20 repetitions. With regard to the activities for the upcoming workout, the warm-up should include torque movements, warming the joints and ligaments. The lesson consists of exercises:

  • "Squats" with the elevation of the hands in front of him;
  • "Areas legs back" – run each leg 20 reps;
  • "Reverse push-ups";
  • "Hyperextension";
  • "The wheel".

As a hitch — 5 min of stretching the legs and back, and for weight loss spend hikes in the course of 30-45 min


You need to perform exercises focusing on problem areas. Short training assemble of the rotary movements of the feet and hands. To increase the fat-burning effect of all exercises perform 20 repetitions of the circles, with rest between approaches 30 sec. During the occupation, do 2 rounds, which include:

  • "Broad attacks" – each leg to do 20 reps;
  • "Push-ups from the wall";
  • "Gluteal bridge";
  • "Extend your hands up," with a mild barbell;
  • "Superman";
  • "Mahi leg in the side";
  • "Twisting";
  • Jumping rope – 30 sec.

During the hitch well to the stretch the muscles of the hands and feet, do breathing exercises.


On training you need to figure out the maximum number of muscles, on it play for 2 access all the exercise. To enhance the effectiveness of exercise, warm-up should include the mahi, the rotation of the hands and feet, as well as the twists and turns and the sails of the hull. In each approach, in order to 15 repetitions of these exercises:

  • "Short forays" – each leg do 15 repetitions;
  • "Areas legs back" – do 15 reps each leg;
  • "The bridge";
  • "Push-ups";
  • "The overhang above the floor" – 60 sec.
  • "Squeeze the palm of the front of the chest";
  • "Twisting";
  • "Spin the legs" – on each hand, perform 15 repetitions.

As hitch do 50 jumps on the spot and stretching whole of your body.


To add to the training exercise on the work of the troubled zones. In the first part of the lesson to perform alternating exercises for the feet – 2 access to 15 repetitions, after that, similar to the work of the upper part of your body. Workout at the press performed separately. Include in the training run on the spot lifting your knees, and in the basic exercises:

  • "Squats";
  • "Areas legs back";
  • "Lateral prolapse";
  • "Gluteal bridge";
  • Before studies in addition, the top do 50 jumping on the spot;
  • "The bench dumbbell lying";
  • "Superman";
  • "Push-ups";
  • "The overhang above the floor" – 60 sec.

To increase gerogianni running jumping rope 2 times after 60 sec. Coupling device should start with breathing exercises and stretching legs.


Day of recovery of the muscles and active aerobic load, it is necessary to take hikes after 60 minutes To start the hormonal processes before cardio is necessary to perform the two approaches of exercises for the press:

  • "Twist" – the maximum number of repetitions.
  • "The wheel" – 20 repetitions each leg.
  • "Side sails" – just 50 attempts.

For aesthetic weight loss and maintaining muscle tone needed daily exercise for the muscles of your entire body, as well as strict observance of the exclusive catering and aerobic load. Must learn and follow proper technique to prevent injury and increase the effectiveness of home exercise.